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Well, hello there!

Welcome to my website showcasing some of what I am passionate about. It energises me to assist others on their brand and/or small business journeys and I would love to connect with you.
I have a soft spot for brands, corporate identities and how to instill a specific brand archetype in the minds of a customer. As you’ll see from my website, I am constantly on the look out for new product ideas and am particularly excited when creating brand identities for them.

I have extensive experience working with copywriters, designers, and developers; to help bring about a crafted offer to market.
Workwise, I work in Fintech in Product Development and previously have extensive experience in FMCG working on major South African brands.

I live on a micro-olive farm, in Gordon’s Bay, where my husband and I press 200 liters of Frantoia/Favolosa olive oil per year and I am a part-time beekeeper. We have our own chickens, attempt to live plastic free and grow some of our own vegetables too.


In Creative / Design / Jewellery